Terms & Conditions
Terms & Conditions
© Female Founder Initiative 2020Impact Hub ZürichSihlquai 1318005 Zürichemail: info@riseupsummit.chLead: Marcela Durand & Merle Zur, Impact Hub ZürichWeb Support: www.quark.ch
Our Terms & Conditions in a Nutshell
The Female Founders Initiative collects basic, public information for the ecosystem and to promote your business/service to end users. We may submit information you submit to us to investors, event organisers and other interested parties. Under GDPR, you have the right to revoke consent of your data being collected and held, please email info@female-founders.ch to be forgotten. Any information we collect from you is said to be up to date and true, and we are not responsible for damages or issues with the way data you supply is consumed or depicted.
Privacy Policy
According to Article 13 of the Swiss Federal Constitution and the Data Protection Act (DSG), every person is entitled to the protection of their privacy and personal data. We comply with these regulations and treat personal data with strict confidentiality, without disclosing or selling it to third parties. In cooperation with our hosting providers, we protect the databases as best as possible from unauthorized access, loss, misuse, or falsification. When accessing our websites, the IP address, date, time, browser request, and information about the operating system and browser are stored. This data is used for anonymous, statistical evaluations to improve our services.
Last updated: 20 September 2024